
Gold Star Families Slam Psaki Over Book Claims, Demand Accountability

Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki recently faced backlash from Gold Star families after the release of her new book. In the book, Psaki disputed the claims made by the families that President Joe Biden checked his watch during the dignified transfer of their loved ones’ remains at Dover Air Force Base nearly three years ago.

The families were outraged by Psaki’s denial of their accounts, with some calling her out for using the incident for political and financial gain. Mark Schmitz, the father of one of the fallen service members, expressed his disgust at Psaki’s actions and stated that she would be hearing from their attorney.

Steve Nikoui, another Gold Star parent, criticized Psaki for spreading lies and false propaganda, accusing her of prioritizing political points over the truth. Christy Shamblin, whose daughter-in-law was among the fallen, condemned Psaki for profiting from “disgraceful” lies and perpetuating a career of dishonesty.

Following the backlash, Psaki announced that future reprints of her book would remove the disputed details about the president checking his watch. However, some of the Gold Star families deemed this response insufficient, calling for Psaki to face consequences for her actions.

Congressman Derrick Van Orden labeled Psaki as “Madam Goebbels” for her deceitful behavior, and Congressman Darrell Issa highlighted the collision between Psaki’s lies and the Gold Star families’ truth. The families and their supporters emphasized the importance of holding Psaki accountable for her falsehoods, expressing hope for more significant repercussions than those faced during her time as White House Press Secretary.

Written by Staff Reports

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