
GOP Demands Answers on Quantico Attack, Biden’s DHS Dodges Accountability Again

Republican lawmakers are doing their due diligence by demanding answers from President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) about an attempted attack on Quantico Marine Corps Base that took place on May 3. In the typical fashion of this administration, transparency seems to be as elusive as a coherent sentence from the president himself.

At least six information requests have been lodged, displaying the urgency and seriousness with which the GOP is handling the situation. It appears Biden’s DHS is as good at stonewalling as they are at creating border crises. Instead of prioritizing national security, they seem more focused on virtue-signaling and pandering to the radical left.

One has to wonder why the Biden administration is dragging its feet on sharing such critical information. Maybe they’re afraid the details will further reveal their incompetence when it comes to keeping military installations—and by extension, the country—safe. Or perhaps they mistakenly think America has forgotten the very real threats it faces both domestically and abroad.

Regardless, Republican lawmakers are turning up the heat, not letting the administration off the hook so easily. They recognize that protecting American service members and ensuring the homeland’s security aren’t optional tasks that can be brushed aside. When it comes to national defense, a lack of transparency is not just unacceptable; it’s dangerous.

While Biden’s team seems to be operating in stealth mode, the GOP continues to demand accountability. It’s shocking that requesting essential information about an attack on a Marine base should require this much prodding. Yet, here we are in the Biden era—a time when even basic questions about national security are met with obfuscation and delay.

Written by Staff Reports

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