In a heartwarming show of compassion, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to offer his prayers for the esteemed former President Jimmy Carter and his family in the wake of the passing of his wife, Rosalynn Carter, on Sunday. At the age of 96, Rosalynn Carter departed this world, sparking an overwhelming wave of sympathy across the internet. Speaker Johnson, known for his unwavering faith and empathy, was at the forefront of these expressions of support.
Speaker Johnson commends Rosalynn Carter: ‘Outstanding example of love and devotion'
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) November 20, 2023
“Kelly and I are saddened to hear of the passing of First Lady Rosalynn Carter,” Johnson shared in his touching post. “She and President Carter were an outstanding example of love and devotion to one another, and to others through their years of public service and extraordinary charitable works. President Carter and the Carter family are in our prayers today.” This poignant message reflects not only Speaker Johnson’s kind-hearted nature but also his deep respect for the sanctity of marriage and the legacy of public service.
Despite the Carter family’s loss, former President Jimmy Carter continues to receive hospice care, as reported by USA Today. The nation, still reeling from the news of Rosalynn’s passing, stands in unwavering solidarity with the Carter family during this difficult time. As the internet buzzed with heartfelt tributes to Rosalynn Carter, public attention centered on the enduring love story between the former first couple, underscoring the impact of their decades-long partnership.
“Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” Jimmy Carter eloquently expressed. “She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.” These poignant words encapsulate the profound bond between President Jimmy Carter and his late wife, Rosalynn – a love story that transcends political lines and touches the heart of every American.
As the nation mourns the loss of a remarkable First Lady, Speaker Johnson’s gesture of compassion serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love and the unyielding resilience of the American spirit. His words, echoed by countless others, stand as a testament to the unity and empathy that define the conservative values of love, faith, and family.