
Hillary Clinton Admits Trump Correct on Democrats Expanding Abortion Rights

In a surprising turn of events, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently made an admission agreeing with former President Donald Trump on the contentious issue of abortion. Clinton, a known critic of Trump, acknowledged that he was right in saying that Democrats will expand abortion. Abortion has been a hotly debated topic following a recent Supreme Court ruling deeming it not a protected right under the Constitution.

The former president, Trump, took credit for appointing three Supreme Court justices who supported this decision, ultimately leading to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Trump publicly expressed his pride in his role in restricting abortion access, claiming that without him, the pro-life movement would have continued to face defeat. Several states have since enacted laws both restricting and expanding abortion rights.

Dr. Kathi Aultman, a former abortion provider turned pro-life advocate, shed light on the procedure of a 24-week abortion. She detailed the disturbing process involving the dismemberment of the fetus, highlighting the brutality of late-term abortions. The revelations made by Dr. Aultman provide a stark reminder of the tragic reality of ending a life in the womb.

The conservative perspective on this matter emphasizes the value of protecting the unborn and advocating for the sanctity of life. It is heartening to see individuals like Hillary Clinton recognizing the importance of acknowledging differing views, even across party lines. The debate over abortion continues to stir strong emotions and moral considerations, prompting a deeper reflection on the fundamental right to life and the responsibilities that come with it.

Written by Staff Reports

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