
Hobbs Chooses Illegals Over Arizonans, Vetoes Border Bill

Democratic Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs once again stirred the pot in the political circus, vetoing a bill aimed at tackling the surge of migrants streaming across Arizona’s southern border. The bill, dubbed the “Arizona Border Invasion Act,” had a straightforward goal – giving law enforcement the power to arrest those crossing unlawfully and slapping them with some much-needed consequences.

But Governor Hobbs, the heroine of the left, decided to swoop in and save the day for illegal immigrants everywhere, declaring the bill unworthy of her majestic signature. “Anti-immigrant legislation to score cheap political points has no place in our state,” she grandly proclaimed, as if protecting borders and upholding the law were mere trifles. It’s like she set out to prove that common sense has no home in the Democratic party.

Meanwhile, Senate Republicans rightly called out the Governor for her reckless veto, pointing out that she stood in the way of crucial legislation that would have shielded Arizonans from the fallout of Biden’s border chaos. Even our neighbors in Texas are trying to do their part, but the Supreme Court had to intervene there too. It’s as if the Democrats have declared open season on our border, with Hobbs leading the charge in the name of “compassion.”

As the numbers of encounters at Arizona’s Tucson sector skyrocket, one can’t help but wonder if Governor Hobbs will ever come down from her ivory tower to see the reality on the ground. But alas, she remains aloof, dodging requests for comment like it’s a game of political dodgeball. It seems like the left’s version of leadership is simply hoping problems will magically disappear on their own.

In the end, Governor Hobbs’ veto serves as a stark reminder of the disconnect between the ruling class and the everyday Americans who bear the brunt of their disastrous policies. While law enforcement begs for tools to keep their communities safe, she chooses to side with lawlessness. Let’s hope the citizens of Arizona remember this betrayal come election time and show Hobbs the door she so callously swung open for illegal border crossers. It’s time to put Americans first, not political posturing.

Written by Staff Reports

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