
Hunter Biden Found Guilty on Three Felony Gun Charges

President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, has recently been found guilty of three felony gun charges. The charges resulted from a jury trial that focused on Hunter’s history of drug addiction. The maximum prison sentence for the two counts is 10 years, while the third count carries a maximum of five years. The potential fine for each count is $250,000. While no sentencing date has been set, Hunter Biden’s conviction sets him apart as the only president with a child convicted of felony charges.

A top Trump aide, Stephen Miller, has suggested that the Department of Justice should have pursued charges related to Hunter Biden’s involvement in influence-peddling schemes during his father’s time as vice president and senator. This has sparked concerns among Trump’s defenders that Hunter Biden’s conviction might affect Democrats’ ability to pursue legal cases against Donald Trump. It is suggested that the Department of Justice didn’t bring charges related to Hunter Biden’s involvement in foreign corruption because it would reflect poorly on Joe Biden. Additionally, Rep. Matt Gaetz has expressed that the conviction of Hunter Biden on gun charges is unwarranted. 


President Joe Biden has responded by emphasizing his continued support for his son and respecting the judicial process. The impact of Hunter Biden’s conviction on the presidential race remains uncertain. Some polls have shown a close race between President Biden and Trump, with some indicating that Trump’s criminal conviction may turn off potential voters. However, how Hunter Biden’s legal troubles will influence the campaign is still unclear.

Hunter Biden’s restrained behavior after his conviction has been highlighted by some critics as a contrast to former President Trump’s response to legal challenges. This has led to discussions regarding the potential impact on the public perception of the two individuals.

Written by Staff Reports

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