
Kennedy Sidelined as DNC Keeps Debate Stage to Biden, Trump

Another day, another Democrat charade. What could have been a three-way slugfest on the GOP debate stage in Atlanta has now been reduced to a predictable showdown between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. It seems Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just couldn’t muster the numbers to make it onto the stage, but who really thought the left-wing establishment would let that happen?

Kennedy’s campaign, despite showing some life earlier, has spiraled into oblivion as the Democratic National Committee and President Biden himself have worked tirelessly to snuff out any semblance of a challenge. CNN’s requirement for candidates to hit 15% in four national polls proved to be the nail in the coffin for Kennedy. The news outlet, often jokingly referred to as the “Clinton News Network” by skeptics, set the bar higher than Kennedy could jump.

The Kennedy campaign claims it has ballot access in nine states and enough signatures in another 15, theoretically giving him access to 323 Electoral Votes—but let’s be real, theoretical voting often translates into typical Democratic shenanigans. But even if Kennedy pulls off a miracle and gets the required polling numbers before the next debate in September, it remains to be seen whether he can survive the barrage from both the Biden machine and Trump’s artillery.

Voters also focused on a mix of high-profile congressional races on Tuesday. The ‘Squad’ members had a theatrical night in New York. Rep. Jamaal Bowman found himself booted from Congress by George Latimer in a race that wasn’t even close. Despite Bowman’s best efforts, including support from progressive icons like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders, he was sent packing.

Meanwhile, out west, Rep. Lauren Boebert managed to hold her ground in Colorado’s 4th District GOP primary, overcoming scandals and a new district. Talk about showing resilience! The Colorado congresswoman secured 43% of the vote, clearly demonstrating that her voters appreciate her fighting spirit, even when the left tries to paint her as a caricature.

In Utah, Rep. John Curtis emerged victorious in the GOP primary to fill the retiring Sen. Mitt Romney’s seat. Romney remained silent, but Curtis’s nearly 52% win showcases a desire for consistent representation without the grandstanding that marked Romney’s later years.

Tuesday also proved a mixed bag for Trump’s endorsement acumen. Despite his gold touch, the former president took a hit with Pastor Mark Burns losing in South Carolina. But let’s be honest, these losses are mere hiccups and certainly won’t derail the Trump train. The true test will be whether the winners of these races can align with Trump’s vision, assuming he overtakes Biden.

While all eyes are on the upcoming head-to-head debate, Biden will no doubt be held accountable for his unmet promises. Remember the grandiose vow to forgive billions in student debt? A couple of Republican Attorneys General saw to it that Biden’s use of the Saving on a Valuable Education program took a serious hit. Even though $5.5 billion has been forgiven already, the larger ambitious sums are now on hold. Watch closely—Trump’s camp will certainly capitalize on Biden’s overreach and the subsequent judicial rebukes.

What remains clear is that the political landscape is as turbulent as ever. Stay tuned, folks; the drama is far from over.

Written by Staff Reports

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