
Red Alert: CCP’s Sinister Grip on UN Exposed in Urgent Hearing!

The House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations is holding a hearing on the incredibly important topic of The Chinese Communist Party’s Malign Influence at the United Nations. This hearing, slated for April 10 at 10:00 a.m. ET, will shed light on the dangerous agenda of the Chinese Communist Party and how it’s meddling in international affairs.

The esteemed witnesses at this hearing include Ambassador Andrew Bremberg and President Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table and are sure to provide valuable insights into the Communist Party’s nefarious influence. Additionally, Ambassador Kelley Currie, the former U.S. Representative to the United Nations, will be sharing her expertise and shedding light on the impact of the Communist Party’s actions at the United Nations.

The subcommittee’s decision to focus on this issue is commendable and crucial in addressing the growing threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party. Through this hearing, they are taking a proactive stance in protecting America’s interests and ensuring that the United Nations remains a beacon of freedom and democracy, free from the malignant influence of the Communist Party.

It’s time for America to stand strong and push back against the Communist Party’s attempts to undermine global stability and human rights. The witnesses at this hearing are sure to underscore the urgency of this matter and the need for swift and decisive action to safeguard our nation and the international community from the harmful effects of the Chinese Communist Party’s agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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