
Seinfeld Blames Extreme Left for Decline in TV Comedy Popularity

Jerry Seinfeld, the famous comedian from the 90s, made waves recently when he talked about comedy and how the “extreme left” is ruining it. He shared his thoughts in a big interview with The New Yorker, where he also talked about his new movie “Unfrosted.”

Seinfeld thinks that nowadays, comedy shows aren’t getting as much love as they used to because of the “extreme left and P.C. crap.” He believes that people are too worried about not offending others, and that’s affecting what people can laugh at on TV.

Although this story has been talked about a lot, not everyone noticed what Seinfeld said next in the interview. The New Yorker asked him about the show “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” which was made by Larry David, Seinfeld’s co-creator on “Seinfeld.” They wondered how “Curb Your Enthusiasm” could still be a hit if comedy has been ruined by P.C. culture.

Seinfeld explained that Larry David was “grandfathered in,” meaning he doesn’t have to follow the rules because he started making comedy before the rules were there. In Seinfeld’s view, if “Seinfeld” had been made today, a lot of the show’s most famous jokes wouldn’t have been allowed. He used an example of an episode involving homeless people that he thinks wouldn’t make it on TV today.

Seinfeld thinks the same goes for “Curb Your Enthusiasm” – if the show was made today with the same jokes, it might not be allowed on TV. He believes that TV networks are now choosing not to make comedies because they don’t want to deal with the backlash from certain jokes. In his opinion, no new sitcoms were picked up by the four big TV networks in the fall.

So, Seinfeld seems to believe that comedy is being affected by the “extreme left” and P.C. culture, and that some of the best jokes from the past might not be allowed on TV today.

Written by Staff Reports

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