
Senator Kennedy Slams Biden Over Weak Response to Campus Protests

In a sharp critique of President Biden’s response to the recent campus protests over Israel’s actions in Gaza, Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana called out the administration for not taking a stronger stance. Kennedy criticized Biden for not intervening more forcefully in universities dealing with pro-Palestinian demonstrations. The Senator suggested that Biden should use the threat of cutting federal funding as leverage to quell the unrest.

Kennedy pointed to incidents at Columbia University and Emory University as examples of universities struggling to address the protests effectively. He accused Biden of being hesitant to act, alleging that the President’s reluctance stems from political considerations within the Democratic Party. Kennedy claimed that Biden is fearful of upsetting the more extreme elements of his party at the expense of taking decisive action.

Adding their own conservative perspective, the writer notes that former President Trump’s popularity has reportedly surged in comparison to Biden’s in recent polls. The article suggests that Biden’s handling of the Israel-Palestine conflict and the campus protests has contributed to a decline in his approval ratings. The writer highlights the significant disapproval of Biden’s performance on the Israel-Palestine issue, particularly among younger voters.

Kennedy continued his criticism of Biden’s response to the campus unrest, labeling it as “rule by mob” and accusing the administration of allowing a dangerous trend to take hold. The Senator’s remarks came in the wake of more protests erupting across various college campuses in the United States, leading to clashes between demonstrators and law enforcement. The article ends with uncertainty about how the Biden administration will address the ongoing tensions on college campuses amidst the escalating protests.

Written by Staff Reports

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