
Shocking 78-Page Report Reveals DOJ’s Blatant Bias in Hunter Biden Probe!

In a move that could pave the way for President Joe Biden’s impeachment, the House Judiciary, Ways and Means, and Oversight Committees have released an interim report detailing the Justice Department’s mishandling of the investigation into Hunter Biden. The 78-page report highlights numerous instances of political interference that may have protected the president’s son from facing serious charges.

According to the report, the Justice Department thwarted efforts by United States Attorney David Weiss to bring stronger charges against Hunter Biden not once, but twice. This interference raises serious questions about the department’s commitment to impartiality and fair justice.

Attorney General Merrick Garland also comes under scrutiny in the report for refusing to appoint a special counsel in the tax investigation. Such an appointment could have created a necessary separation between President Biden and the DOJ, but Garland chose to prioritize political expediency over transparency.

The report also exposes Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf’s role in limiting the investigation’s scope. Wolf halted the questioning about Joe Biden being “the big guy,” effectively protecting the president from further scrutiny. This is a glaring example of the Justice Department bowing down to political pressure and actively impeding a thorough investigation.

One of the most shocking revelations in the report is Hunter Biden’s demand to be paid by a Chinese Communist Party-linked businessman while sitting next to his father, Joe Biden, in a room. The investigation team wanted to obtain location data to confirm President Biden’s presence in the room, but it remains unclear whether the FBI ever obtained this crucial evidence.

To add insult to injury, the report reveals that Hunter Biden deducted payments to prostitutes and sex clubs from his taxes. This behavior speaks to a complete disregard for moral and ethical standards, and it is deeply concerning that such behavior went undetected for so long.

While this interim report offers damning evidence of the Justice Department’s mishandling of the Hunter Biden investigation, the committees note that there is still more information being withheld by the department. It is vital for the full House of Representatives to consider drafting articles of impeachment against President Biden based on these troubling findings.

It is imperative for the American people to know the truth and hold those in power accountable, regardless of political affiliation. This report should serve as a wake-up call for anyone who believes in the importance of transparency and justice. The American people deserve better, and it is time for President Biden and his administration to answer for their actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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