
Soaring Fast Food Prices Leave Working Class Feeling the Pinch Under Biden’s Watch

The prices at fast food joints are soaring higher than a rocket ship, folks! axio the lefties are fretting that this might be making President Joe Biden’s fan club upset. The folks at Axios are yammering about how folks who chomp on Happy Meals are giving President Biden the stink eye because their wallets are feeling the pinch. Fast food places have whacked up their prices higher than your grandma’s prize-winning apple pie, even more than the groceries and gas.

Back in the year 2020, Biden scooted past Trump in households making less than $50,000, and even bigger in homes making $50,000-$99,000. But hold your horses, folks – things have taken a nosedive. Those sharp price hikes are smacking the working class in the gut, according to the know-it-alls at Axios. Now, surveys are saying that Biden might be catching some flak from the lower-income pals.

Take a look at this hair-raising chart that shows while regular wages have jumped up by 36 percent, fast food prices have shot up by a whopping 41 percent. It’s like trying to catch a greased pig at the county fair — frustrating!

Now, let’s talk turkey about the cold, hard numbers since Biden took the wheel. At McDonald’s, prices have gone through the roof! A medium fry used to set you back $1.79, but now it’s $4.19! And don’t even get started on the Big Mac – it used to be a steal at $3.99, but now you’ll need a $7.49 bill to foot that tab.

Oh, and it’s not just the fast food joints. Gas prices are making wallets cry big, fat tears too. Traveling with the prettier half and spotting gas at $5.00 a pop is enough to make anyone choke on their soda. Under the previous president, gas was a bargain at $2.39.

These eye-watering prices? Yup, they are squarely on Joe Biden’s shoulders. He’s been tossing around federal cash like confetti at a parade, which made the dollar lose its mojo. And let’s not forget the flood of illegal aliens he let in, driving up the prices of everything under the sun. His wacky green ideas also put the kibosh on our energy independence, making energy bills shoot through the roof faster than a rocket ship.

So, next time you roll up to grab a quick bite at the drive-thru, be prepared to fork over some serious moolah. Biden can try to pin it on a wobbly economy due to the pandemic, but that dog don’t hunt. These prices are climbing higher and higher, and the working-class Americans are feeling the pain right in their pocketbooks.

It’s like a bad dream where a sandwich costs as much as a fancy steak dinner. The working poor rely on budget-friendly fast food to catch a break from cooking, but Biden’s policies might have just put the kibosh on affordable quick bites forever. The folks who punched the Biden ticket will soon find out if they want to stick with that choice or hit the reset button.

Author John Nolte’s latest book is getting heaps of praise from the readers. So buckle up and check it out – it’s quite the ride!

Written by Staff Reports

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