
Trump Criticizes Biden’s Policies for Hurting Black and Hispanic Communities

Former President Donald Trump slammed President Joe Biden’s policies, specifically calling out the negative impact on black and Hispanic communities during a rally in the Bronx. Trump promised to bring back the strong economy he built, where everyone, regardless of color, thrived. Gas prices were low, poverty rates for minorities were the best in history, and 6.6 million people were lifted out of poverty under his watch. 


In contrast, Trump pointed out that under Biden, middle-class income has dropped, and African Americans and Hispanic Americans are struggling. He blamed Biden’s leadership for the decline in real earnings for African Americans and Hispanics, who are losing jobs and homes while facing tough times. Trump also criticized the surge of people crossing the border under Biden’s administration, saying it’s hitting black and Hispanic communities the hardest.

The crowd cheered as Trump emphasized the importance of securing the border, a feat he claimed to have achieved during his presidency. He accused Biden of undoing his successful border policies, leading to chaos and negative impacts on American communities. Trump warned that the current situation is unsustainable and detrimental to the country’s well-being.

Overall, Trump’s message resonated with supporters who believe in his economic policies and tough stance on border security. His rally highlighted the stark contrast between his administration and the current challenges faced by minority communities under President Biden’s leadership.

Written by Staff Reports

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