
Trump Must Stay Composed to Expose Biden’s Incoherence in Debates

The upcoming presidential debates between Donald Trump and Joe Biden are causing quite a stir. Many are skeptical that the debates will actually happen due to Biden’s struggles with coherent speech. Some even speculate that Biden’s team could come up with various excuses to avoid the debates altogether, such as citing imaginary health issues.

If the debates do take place, there are concerns about Trump’s performance. While his bold and unfiltered speaking style is usually praised, there are times when that approach may not be the best choice. In the upcoming debates, it is crucial that Trump remains composed and avoids falling into the traps set by biased moderators who are likely to favor Biden.

One key piece of advice for Trump is to refrain from constantly interrupting Biden during the debates. Despite Biden’s verbal gaffes and struggles, Trump must resist the urge to speak over him. By letting Biden speak, Trump can allow the American people to witness firsthand the former vice president’s incoherent ramblings, which could speak volumes on its own.

In fact, a strategic move would be to compile Biden’s recent public appearances into campaign ads, showcasing his lack of coherence and cognitive decline. Such visuals could be more powerful than any words spoken during the debates. Letting Biden’s own words and actions speak for themselves could be more impactful than engaging in direct confrontations.

Overall, Trump needs to approach the debates with a tactical mindset, focusing on highlighting the sharp contrast between his leadership and Biden’s evident struggles. By staying disciplined and letting Biden’s own shortcomings come to light, Trump can secure a strong position in the debates and effectively communicate his vision for the future of the country.

Written by Staff Reports

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