
Voter Fraud: Louisiana Judge Forces Election Redo!

In a stunning turn of events, a Louisiana judge has ordered a redo of the election for sheriff in Shreveport’s Caddo Parish. The reason? Well, it turns out that the Democratic candidate, Henry Whitehorn, somehow managed to eke out a victory over the Republican candidate, John Nickelson, by just one vote. Yes, you read that right, one vote! Talk about cutting it close!

Now, you might think, “Well, that’s democracy in action, right?” But hold your horses, because there’s a twist! Nickelson ain’t taking this sitting down. He’s gone to court, alleging fraudulent voting and a messed-up election process. And you know what? The judge, retired justice E. Joseph Bleich, actually ruled in Nickelson’s favor! He declared the election results null and void and ordered a brand spankin’ new election.

And listen to this! Bleich said that not one, not two, but at least 11 illegal votes were counted! It’s insane! Even though Whitehorn’s camp is crying foul and saying that Nickelson didn’t bring “compelling” evidence, the judge has spoken, and now there’s gonna be a do-over.

Now, if you’re scratching your head and wondering why this matters, our buddy Scott Presler, a popular Republican activist, is all over it. He’s calling this a prime example of voter fraud swaying a local election. And you know what? It’s got conservatives all riled up. After all, with all the questions about the 2020 presidential race and last year’s gubernatorial election in Arizona, it’s no wonder they’re feeling a little testy about the integrity of our elections these days.

According to a recent survey, more than half of likely voters think cheating is likely in the upcoming 2024 election. That’s a lot of folks who are worried about the sanctity of our voting system!

So, folks, grab your popcorn because this ain’t over yet. With a new election on the horizon, things are about to get mighty interesting down in the Pelican State. It’s gonna be a showdown for the ages!

Written by Staff Reports

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