
White House Brands Embarrassing Biden Videos as Cheap Fakes to Dismiss Criticism

"Cheap fakes! Cheap fakes as far as the eye can see!" That’s the latest buzzword emerging from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. For those not in the loop, a “cheap fake” is the new term used to describe media clips that purportedly show President Joe Biden in an unflattering light. This term aims to cast doubt on these clips, even though they simply depict his often confusing and frail public appearances.

The term gained traction after a Washington Post article attempted to defend Biden following his stumbling performance during the D-Day commemorations in France, which drew criticism from conservatives. CBS News quickly adopted the term, and it soon became part of mainstream media's vocabulary. It’s an ideal term for deflecting valid criticism, and the White House swiftly embraced it.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre wasted no time using this new terminology when asked about videos that seemingly show Biden's deteriorating mental state. She labeled such videos as “cheap fakes,” dismissing them as right-wing attempts to misinform the public. This convenient buzzword, much like “misinformation” and “disinformation” before it, is just another tool for the administration to dismiss readily available and verifiable videos.

Take, for instance, a recent video posted by radio host Clay Travis showing Biden struggling to get into his presidential SUV after a fundraiser. This painful clip sparked concerns, with some commentators even suggesting it bordered on elder abuse. It begs the question of where Jill Biden was during this ordeal and whether she is using her "doctor" title to better shield her husband from public embarrassment.

These incidents are not isolated. During the 80th anniversary of D-Day, Biden's blunders included sitting in an imaginary chair and being pulled away by "Dr." Jill as Macron greeted D-Day veterans. Are we supposed to believe that all these clips, showing him forgetting names and locations, are “cheap fakes”? The administration wants the public to think that any clip showing Biden’s gaffes and faltering is deceitful.

Yet, the evidence speaks for itself. Video after video shows Biden fumbling and bumbling through his presidency. Instead of facing reality, the establishment media and the White House prefer to gaslight the public with terms like “cheap fakes.” It’s almost comical how they expect anyone to believe them over their own eyes. One could argue the only true “cheap fake” is this entire charade coming from the White House press room.


Written by Staff Reports

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