
Biden’s Amnesty Order Undermines Congress Amid Crime Surge by Illegals

In a recent display of audacity, the Biden administration unveiled its latest executive order granting amnesty to illegal immigrants, despite recent horrifying incidents involving illegal aliens. Just days prior, a Maryland mother of five was murdered by an illegal alien who was finally apprehended, while in New York City, citizens captured an illegal alien who had kidnapped and raped a 13-year-old at knifepoint.

President Biden’s decree blatantly bypasses the immigration laws established by Congress, asserting that it aims to strengthen the country’s immigration system. The administration highlighted its efforts to support DACA recipients and expand reunification programs, emphasizing the need to keep families together and enable young individuals to contribute to the economy. However, critics point out that many beneficiaries of this amnesty were already pseudo-legalized through Obama’s DACA program, which circumvented legislative processes.

Stephen Miller, leading America First Legal (AFL), condemned Biden’s amnesty as an overreach that undermines Congress’s authority on citizenship matters. AFL, known for challenging leftist initiatives, vowed to combat this executive amnesty through legal means. Miller criticized the administration for essentially granting citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants, including DACA recipients and individuals with dubious educational backgrounds, potentially leading to a surge in government benefits distribution and chain migration.

By unilaterally pushing this massive amnesty, Biden is accused of disregarding democratic processes and essentially turning criminal migrants into future voters and citizens. AFL’s resolve to challenge this amnesty exemplifies the opposition against the administration’s immigration policies. As long as organizations like AFL continue to uphold American principles, there remains hope for the preservation of the nation’s values and integrity.

Written by Staff Reports

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