
Biden’s Fall from Grace: GOP Puts His Incompetence on Full Display!

The latest poll numbers are in and it’s not looking good for President Joe Biden. According to a CNN poll, his approval rating is just 39 percent, while 61 percent of Americans disapprove of his job performance. Ouch! And it’s not just his overall approval rating that’s tanking, it’s the specific areas of policy that are causing trouble for him. The RealClearPolitics averages show that Americans are not happy with his handling of the economy, inflation, immigration, crime, and foreign policy. It seems that across the board, people think he’s doing a terrible job.

But the problems don’t stop there. The Biden team is trying to spin the narrative that the economy is doing great, but Americans aren’t buying it. Sure, maybe things are better for the rich folks on the coasts, but for the average American, things are tough. Inflation is still high, and according to CNBC, 61 percent of adults are living paycheck to paycheck. That’s not good news for Biden and his “great” economy.

And then there’s the Hunter Biden scandal. Americans are starting to connect the dots and see that there might be some shady business going on with the Biden family. The same CNN poll mentioned earlier shows that a majority of Americans believe Biden, as vice president, was involved in Hunter’s business. This is a big problem for Joe Biden because it further erodes trust in him and his administration. If people think he’s acting inappropriately, it’s going to be hard for them to believe anything he says.

Republicans in Congress are taking full advantage of Biden’s problems. They’re hammering the Biden Family Business stuff and making sure the public knows about it. They’re making Biden seem more and more toxic every day. And it seems to be working. Polling suggests that Democratic voters want someone different, someone who isn’t tainted by scandal. Biden is becoming too radioactive to be seen as a good option for the Democratic Party.

If Republicans can just settle on a primary candidate and unite their base, they have a good chance of unseating Biden in the next election. The strategy seems to be working for them at the moment, and they’re making Biden a political hot potato for voters. Only time will tell if they succeed, but for now, things are not looking good for Joe Biden.

Written by Staff Reports

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