
DOJ Retaliates Against Whistleblowers, Flouting Federal Law Protections

On Tuesday, Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice, confirmed instances of inappropriate retaliation against whistleblowers within the federal law enforcement agency. This retaliation included measures such as pulling security clearances and other forms of retribution. The Inspector General's office highlighted issues regarding the Department's adherence to laws designed to protect federal employees who report retaliatory actions related to their security clearances.

The investigation encompassed entities like the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. One significant finding was the absence of a DOJ appeals process for employees who claim their suspension, lasting more than a year, is retaliatory—a process mandated by law. This gap is particularly troubling in DOJ components that frequently suspend employees without pay during security clearance reviews.

Following the investigation, the Inspector General's office asserted that the DOJ took corrective action and implemented several recommendations. However, whistleblower advocates and DOJ oversight bodies contend that the FBI continues to violate the law. They point to specific cases like that of Marcus Allen, an FBI specialist and former Marine, who exposed discrepancies in the FBI's portrayal of the January 6, 2021 events at the U.S. Capitol. Allen testified before the House Committee on Government Weaponization, detailing retaliation he experienced, including the suspension of his security clearance based on unverified allegations.

It's crucial to highlight that both whistleblowers and FBI agents testified about the mistreatment they endured. The Inspector General's report raised alarms about the DOJ's practices diverging from the intended scope of the law and failing to meet its requirements. Despite the DOJ's purported remedial measures in response to the Inspector General's findings, concerns about retaliation against whistleblowers within the federal law enforcement agency persist.

Written by Staff Reports

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