
Elon Musk’s Starlink Disrupts Traditional Marubo Tribe Life

In the Javari Valley of Brazil, the Marubo people got the internet, and it wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine. Elon Musk and Starlink brought high-speed internet to this indigenous tribe, hoping to connect them to the world and improve their lives. But, as expected, it brought along some not-so-great things too.

The tribe initially saw the internet as a way to gain autonomy, communicate better, access information, and share their own stories. However, after nine months, they started facing familiar issues like distractions, social media dramas, and yes, online porn. The tribal leader, Enoque Marubo, noticed changes in the daily routines with people getting lazy and youth getting hooked on technology. 


Some villagers expressed concerns about the negative impact of internet, like the influence of first-person shooter games, accessibility to porn, and a shift in traditional family values. Enoque hopes that the advantages of having the internet will outweigh these risks. The tribe has even set boundaries and specific hours for internet use to maintain a balance.

While the internet has its benefits, it’s essential to recognize and address the negative consequences it can bring. This serves as a reminder of the importance of moderation and prioritizing real-life connections and responsibilities over virtual distractions.

This highlights the potential dangers of technological advancements when not used responsibly. It points to the need for communities to safeguard their values and traditions in the face of external influences. While progress can bring positive changes, it also poses threats that should be addressed with caution and mindfulness.

Written by Staff Reports

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