
Jill Biden in Damage Control as Joe Biden Struggles in Debate

First Lady Jill Biden’s Hollywood-like assurances that President Joe Biden will always do what’s best for the country might be less comforting than intended, especially after his latest debate showing. Her chat with Vogue at Camp David seemed more like a damage-control session than a genuine affirmation of her husband’s leadership.

The political stage was left quaking after Biden’s dismal performance in the debate with former President Donald Trump. The first lady brushed it off, insisting the administration wouldn’t let those 90 minutes overshadow four years of mishaps, blunders, and questionable policies. Fighting words from Jill, but the question remains: who exactly are they fighting for, and who’s losing?

While some in the Democratic Party call for Joe Biden to bow out gracefully, possibly hinting that it’s time to let another sacrificial lamb step up to the plate, others are still backing him nervously. The cries for Joe’s retirement are getting louder, and it’s becoming more apparent that his support is more about nostalgia than effectiveness.

Jill Biden’s treatment of the President is reminiscent of a kindergarten teacher encouraging little Johnny to keep coloring inside the lines. She’s reportedly telling him, “Joe, you did such a great job! You answered every question. You knew all the facts!” after the debate. It’s almost cringe-worthy watching the so-called Leader of the Free World being coddled like a toddler who finally went the entire day without a meltdown.

The internal chaos within the Democratic Party allows Republicans to capitalize on Biden’s follies. With support from his loyal champion and son, Hunter Biden, who insists his father is still the scrappy guy he knew, the elder Biden is being propelled into a fight that increasingly looks like one he might lose. Watching them scramble to mitigate the damage feels like watching a farcical comedy.

Kamala Harris and other Democrat suitors are waiting in the wings, perhaps hoping Joe doesn’t trip over them on his way out. Meanwhile, Trump’s popularity ticks upward, with 22% of black and 48% of Asian support, according to a SurveyUSA poll. Pity the Democrats, hanging by the thread of a President who’s stumbling through his last stand.

Written by Staff Reports

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