
Lone Star State Blazes Red for Trump as 35 Chairs Rally Behind Him

Former President Donald Trump is once again making waves in the political sphere, this time in the great state of Texas. Recently, 35 Republican Party county chairs in Texas have publicly thrown their support behind the former president, and boy, oh boy, is it causing a stir in the political pot!

These 35 county chairs wrote an open letter pledging their allegiance to Trump, and let’s just say, they didn’t hold back. Travis County chairman Matt Mackowiak, who spearheaded this effort, and his pals didn’t mince words when they declared that Trump is undoubtedly going to be the Republican nominee. This isn’t just an opinion, folks – they laid out some hard numbers to back it up! President Trump won the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire primary with some jaw-dropping margins, making it crystal clear that he’s the man for the job.

Now, with all this hoopla going on, Mackowiak is calling for the party to put their differences aside and unite behind Trump. He’s not beating around the bush with this one – every minute spent squabbling amongst themselves is a minute wasted in the fight against Joe Biden and his crew. The stakes are high, and the time for bickering is over, according to Mackowiak.

But wait, there’s more! The chairs who jumped on the Trump train are a diverse bunch, covering a wide array of counties in Texas. These proud Republicans are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with Trump, and they’re not afraid to let the world know it. Not to mention, Trump has the backing of some heavy hitters in Texas politics, including Gov. Greg Abbott, Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, Attorney General Ken Paxton, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and a bunch of other prominent figures in the Lone Star State.

And just when you thought things couldn’t get any more intense, former Gov. Nikki Haley’s campaign is still kicking, even after her not-so-stellar performance in New Hampshire. It looks like Haley’s determined to keep the torch burning for her cause, but as Trump would say, “She can’t get away with that bullsh*t!” Sounds like the political drama in Texas is just getting started, y’all! Watch this space for all the juicy updates!

Written by Staff Reports

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