
Musk Slams Biden’s Disturbing PRIDE Agenda: Kids Aren’t Govt Property!

Elon Musk has had enough of Joe Biden’s dangerous obsession with gender dysphoric children. At the recent White House PRIDE celebration, Biden made it clear that he sees America’s kids as the government’s property. Musk wasn’t having it, firing back that the government has no right to treat children like they are theirs to control.

Biden’s rhetoric is concerning, to say the least. He talks about providing “gender-affirming care” for minors, which is just code for subjecting children to dangerous and irreversible gender-changing surgeries. Musk rightly calls it “pure evil.”

But Biden doesn’t seem to care about the consequences of his PRIDE agenda. He has made it clear that he’s willing to sacrifice our children’s mental health and wellbeing in the name of political correctness. He even went so far as to address gender dysphoric children directly, telling them they are “loved” and “understood.”

The PRIDE celebration itself was a disgrace. In addition to promoting harmful medical practices for children, the White House included topless trans TikTok models showing off their scars from mastectomies and breast implants. And they even broke the U.S. Flag Code by draping a Pride flag between two national flags. It’s clear that the Biden administration cares more about pushing a radical agenda than it does about respecting our country’s values and traditions.

We need to stand up to this dangerous ideology before it’s too late. Biden and his ilk need to understand that America’s children are not theirs to experiment on. Elon Musk is leading the way, but he can’t do it alone. We need to speak out and take action to protect our kids from this harmful agenda.

Source: Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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