
Poll Shows 46 Percent of Americans Struggling Financially Under Biden

The latest polling data paints a grim picture for many Americans who are feeling the pinch of skyrocketing inflation under President Joe Biden’s watch. According to a recent survey by Monmouth University, a staggering 46% of respondents are currently struggling to stay afloat financially. This troubling statistic marks the highest point recorded since Biden assumed office, highlighting the stark contrast from previous years.

Since Biden took the helm, prices have surged by about 20%, impacting the cost of goods and services across the board. While inflation has somewhat tapered off from its earlier frenzy, it still persists at worrying levels. Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, emphasized that despite a slight decline in the inflation rate, prices remain significantly higher compared to four years ago, significantly influencing voters’ economic outlook ahead of the upcoming election.

As the administration grapples with the economic fallout during this critical election cycle, the polling data reveals a significant divide among Americans in assessing which leader – Biden or his predecessor, Donald Trump – is more attuned to their financial struggles. While supporters of Biden may find solace in economic indicators, a substantial portion of the population remains unconvinced by attempts to spin a positive narrative, signaling a growing disillusionment with the current state of the economy.

The survey, conducted among 1,106 adults in early June, underscores the widespread sentiment of financial insecurity prevailing among Americans. Regardless of partisan affiliations, the overarching theme is one of economic anxiety and uncertainty, setting the stage for a contentious battle over addressing inflation and its enduring impact on everyday households.

Written by Staff Reports

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