
Biden’s 2024 Nightmare: RFK Jr. Gains Ground in Dem Primary

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has become a headache for President Joe Biden as he gained enough support to give him a run for his money in the 2024 Democrat primary. Kennedy currently has a 21% favorability rating and 15% support in the latest Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, making him a strong alternative to former Vice President Biden, who some say is too old to run again and is spouting progressive views.

Of course, Kennedy’s success isn’t necessarily welcomed by those in his own party, who have labeled him a conspiracy theorist and suggested his views on vaccines are problematic. And let’s not forget his meeting with Elon Musk, someone the left considers persona non grata simply because he supports free speech—something the left finds hateful.

Regardless of the attacks against Kennedy, he remains an attractive candidate for the Democrats. He comes from the powerful Kennedy clan and is mentally fit to be president—a refreshing change after a few years of Biden’s indecipherable speeches filled with insults to anyone who challenges him.

Democrats cannot possibly want another six years of Biden’s corruption either, as it’s certain to follow him everywhere, no matter how much the media tries to run cover or how much the FBI and DOJ ignore it. They need to bring fresh blood and ideas to the table.

It’s time to move on from the Trump-Biden matchup and instead consider a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. versus Ron DeSantis general election matchup. This puts two of the strongest candidates against each other and is the best chance for a positive outcome. America needs something new, and Kennedy may be just the ticket.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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